(Names alphabetized by Last Name)
Debra Allbery, Found
Cecco Angiolieri, I Went and Pawned My Liberty (translated by Brett Foster)
Priscilla Atkins, Magic Mountain
Curtis Bauer, Sketches of Spain
Jayne Benjulian, Last Morning
Stephen Benz, Horse Slaughter Camp
Shaindel Beers, 10 (from Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Pelican)
John Bradley, Van Gogh’s Left
Luke Brekke, Powder Alarm
Rachel Brownson, Baptism
Mary Buchinger, All Things Falling, We Are Equal
Jeanette L. Clariond, (trans. by Curtis Bauer) Lost, I Watched the Afternoon
Michael Patrick Collins, Nightmares of Manners and Meat Pie
Francine Conley, A Natural History
Fay Dillof, Autumn-Drunk
Stephen Dobyns, Jism, Valencia, Thanks
Christine Fadden, The Press
Umberto Fiori, (trans. by Hannah Armbrust) Wall & Calling
Mark Thomas Fitzpatrick, Al-Kahina Variations
Daisy Fried, His Failed Band, 1973 & Her Failed Band, 1982
Sara Gallardo, translated from the Spanish by Heath Wing, Nighthawks
Brad Garber, Disappearing Birds
Jessica Hudgins, Ex-Lover as Marie Antoinette
Darren Jackson, [about a weasel]
Rodney Jones, Stretch
A. Van Jordan, excerpts from Quantum Lyrics
Tim Kahl, Infinite Lieder
Ashton Kamburoff, No Dancing in Waco & Once, and Again After Midnight
Annie Kim, Prelude and Fugue
Maeve Kinkead, Pediatric Ophthalmologist & Rite For My Brother
David Koehn, I-Left-Out-That-Part-Busted-Sonnet-Tanka-For-Amanda
Ted Kooser, Surviving & The Blind Always Come As Such a Surprise
Anna Leahy, On Setting Goals
Robert Lunday, excerpts from Coins
Sebastian Matthews, Opposition
Pam Matz, William Blake’s Harpies
Caroline M. Mar, Views
Karla Linn Merrifield, Declassified
Andrew Mossin, In the Hard Site: Ghazal III
Rodney Nelson, From a Letter to the Sixties
Pablo, Neruda, The Dead Woman, translated by Curtis Bauer
Patti Jeane Pangborn, Hellebore Treatment
Scott Ruescher, Memphis Bus Driver
Lee Sharkey, Come June
[Lee Sharkey’s poem won $50.00 dollars and publication in the Winter 2014 Print Issue for best poem submitted to the Winter contest]
Jennifer Sperry Steinorth, Smoking. Approach Slowly. Do Not Touch.
Arthur Sze, Comet Hyakutake
Jiang Tao, Air Force One
Peter Valentine, New York Times Crossword Puzzle Poems
Julitea Valero, trans by Curtis Bauer, Where One Can Be Seen. What Places One Frequents.
Sabrina Dalla Valle, Distance
July Westhale, The Dirty War
Alan Williamson, Fantasia on a Poem by Mallarme* and a Short Story by Clara Stites
Ian Randall Wilson, Praise Diligence & Cat on My Lap
Connie Voisine, Arcadia & A Small History of Fireworks
C. D. Wright, Imaginary June