I Went and Pawned My Liberty
translated by Brett Foster
Love, since I’ve been down and out and so distressed
that anybody seeing me would say, “Whoa!”
and make so many jokes that I don’t know
how many, with their snickering and gestures,
I’ve been entirely stripped of my five senses,
so that imagining me deprived of these
capacities, which most possess with ease,
would make you cry, and all at my expense
until I almost died. Yet your gentle aid,
Love, you gave me once I reached my limit.
Each part of me cried out, “We’re so afraid!”
Though I’ll never have an ounce of funds or clout
to pay you back, at least you’ve placed so great a bit
within my mouth I’ll never be without it.
Amor, poi che ’n sì greve passo venni
che chi vediemi ciascun dicìe: “Fiù!”,
e di me beffe facìen maggior più,
ch’i’ dir non so, schernendomi per cenni,
i’ era sì fuor di tutti e cinque ’ senni
ch’a ’maginar quanto ’n tutt’era giù
d’ogn’ntelletto, ch’om di’ aver chiù,
saria lament’e a pensar du’ m’attenni
ch’i’ non perìo; m’al tu’ gentil soccorso,
che mi donasti quand’i’ venìe meno,
ciascun membro gridò: “No’ sbigottiamo!”.
Di guiderdon ma’ non potre’ aver ramo
ch’i’ renderti potesse; ma tal freno
m’hai messo ’n bocca che mai non lo smorso!